

KAI x art, films, fashion & pop culture.

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FILM : KAI (Hello Stranger and Nothing on me), 2020 • The Lovers I and The Lovers II by René Magritte, 1928

"The lovers are unable to truly communicate or touch. The cloth keeps the two figures forever apart."

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for KAI (开), The 1st Mini Album • "Blade of Light" by Nick Knight in collaboration with Alexander McQueen & Michael Clark for Numéro magazine, S/S 2004

“You never draw or imagine a piece of clothing as a still thing, you always see it in movement."-Knight

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and "Daisy Illusive" for W Korea magazine, August 2016 • Flowers of Hope by Irene Sheri

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the musem tells us that abstract expressionism started with Kadinsky leading the movement with his earliest known work from 1911 but none of them mentioned that a woman, Hilma af Klint's works predates his first abstract composition making her the world's first abstract painter.

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