

semi-inactive lg skripsian rip // CAFFEINATED! on webtoon canvas id

フォロー数:289 フォロワー数:294

2023 (left) & 2022 (right)
i redrew their pas foto from 2022 lol. i didnt even realise that my artstyle changed that much over a year bcs ive always accepted the fact im never gonna improve

here are ricky's and nanda's. the rest are on the way <4

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the big three + ian's sources of problems

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mana anak klean yg rambutnya 2 warna 🫵

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tysm for this opportunity! gw nitip anak gw yhh 😄

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gretha & allen! man i miss drawing digitally so much, but i cant muster enough energy to do so lately

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ini mira atau mirandanya gw hehehe

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i love all my girls (tho in grethas case, id love her to do the loving instead lmao)

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