Noel Hさんのプロフィール画像

Noel Hさんのイラストまとめ

Tour boat talker, beach cleaner, ex-fisher, kebab muncher. Fan of fish, sea, sleep & sun. Indy hoping. Occasionally wrong. Sick of the world. Peace. Love Spain.

フォロー数:2901 フォロワー数:2856

Ullapool Marine Weekend. Sat 24th: Angling competition, Wildlife Marquee, Coastguard Tug, kids angling/crabbing.
Sun 25th: Seafood demo/comp, music, kids art, seaweed/plastic workshop, paella.

Ullapool harbour from 12 noon both days. Angling weigh-in 5pm.

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Launching the new Berwichshire at Coldingham yesterday with & .
5 sites offering an introduction to our amazing marine life.
Leaflets available

BIG sand eel shoal

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Loch Broom and Summer Isles looking good this evening. Nowhere better when it’s like this and porpoise for company.

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Out on a snorkel expedition with and celebrating the new Marine Protected Area at Loch Carron. Beautiful location, day and seafood after. Kept warm after snorkelling in our - really are great.

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Some of the birds seen on way and at Shiants. Hope to be back later in summer as this is an amazing and unique place. Less people visit than St Kilda. Hopefully regular trips from Gairloch/Badchro with Wester Ross Sea Adventures this summer.

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Snorkel in Scotland and discover our own

Marine life and diversity all a step from out shore.

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Colin Speedie talks about his new book 'A Sea Monster's Tale - In Search of the Basking Shark', with introduction from Scotland's Junior Shark Ambassador Fin Pringle. Friday 17th Nov, 7.30pm, ferry terminal (upstairs)

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Colin Speedie talk in Ullapool. Basking Shark: Sea Monsters Tale.
Also, introduction from Finlay, newest Junior Shark Ambassador for
Free entry, donations for new Shorewatch kit for Coigach.
Ferry terminal, Friday 17th, 7.30pm.

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We have Colin Speedie at ferry terminal, Fri 17th Nov 7.30pm. Basking sharks: history, hunting & conservation. Will be good

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Jellyfish in Loch Broom by Ullapool. Moon jellyfish has 5 ring instead of 4. Only seen a few times before.

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