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フォロー数:8 フォロワー数:2847

Klonoa's Christmas outfit from Famista Dream Match.

5 12

Klonoa as he appears in "Pro Famista Baseball 2011" for the 3DS.

24 46

Klonoa and King of Sorrow as they appear in "Famista Dream Match", a mobile Namco baseball game.

13 31

Two text-less versions of official watercolor illustrations featuring the Rongo Lango fight and Forlock Forest.

6 24

Art of Nahatomb's forms in Door to Phantomile.

9 16

An illustration of Klonoa & Huepow strolling through Breezegale.

15 37

Art of the Moon Queen and one of her guardsmen.

4 11

Art of Granny and a Forlocks villager.

2 8

Promotional Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil boomerang.

0 9

The other three original DtP wallpapers. The gruff characters with Balue are simply referred as the "Balues" judging from the file title.

6 14