

Artist | Writer | Restorer of Ponies | Mom | Teacher | Author of TERNARY

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Check out these AMAZING images of the three lead characters of my sci-fi book TERNARY, coming spring 2021. Art by RasheruSuzie

Have art of your characters? Post it! I wanna see.

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This is a tricky topic in my book Ternary, as one of the lead characters actually inhabits the body of the MC. So, it's not just a matter of the MC's relationships with someone else, there's also the matter of whether or not the person in her mind *also* consents...

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I wouldn't call Elora "childish" but she is definitely immature.

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So far, I've posted character profiles for two of the three lead characters of TERNARY: Elora and Bertie. On Sunday, I'll be revealing the last of the trio: Gareth. Keep an eye out! Thanks for all your support!💕

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