

a liminal space in the shape of a person | a creator of queer fantasies | a friend { 29 | they/he | 🔞 degenerate artist }

フォロー数:349 フォロワー数:402

silva, cucouroux, and camieux! they're sisters! they love each other!! silva has a tendency to get too up in her head about things, so cucouroux is actually the most dependable of the three. also they build guns together?

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on another note, katzelia and haaselia!! royal siblings on the run, hoping to eventually take back their kingdom. katzelia wants nothing more than to protect his sweet little sister.... a fact that she's more than willing to manipulate to her advantage

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this one also gets fun when you factor in the way lyria eventually becomes more than strong enough to defend both of them. also, katalina has a stalker, vira. lyria often gets jealous over their deep connection

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and of course, the very first characters you meet in the game, katalina and lyria. lyria, the girl in blue, a scientific experiment and prophecy hot-spot who really just wants to be a kid and see the world + her literal knight in shining armor, protector, and best friend katalina

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ok, but maybe you're here for more lesbians. there are so many. for instance: rosetta, the absolute onee-san trope, a mature lady with a lot of secrets. who becomes a mentor / role model to magical girl io: super cute, very young, but she doesn't want to be treated like a baby ;)

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but then there's also this whole arc where siegfried betrays king and country and becomes a rougue knight and lancelot has to re-assess everything he's ever known. it ends with them back on the same side, but wait, have i mentioned siegfried is slowly becoming a dragon? 👀🔥🍆

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ok so my next ship is not a popular one but im here to sell you on it: siegfried/lancelot. they're mentor and student, which is of course spicy on its own: siegfried saw potential in lancelot when no one else did, he taught him a lot of what he knows, lancelot idolizes him, etc..

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"who's the middle brother" WELL,,,,,,, (we don't know a lot about him but i am excited for the possibilities)

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next there's percival and aglovale. and they were brothers!! you've gotta understand, first of all, that percy is the most haughty, stuck-up prince/knight you can imagine. he speaks down to basically everyone and refuses to admit when he's having fun, EXCEPT

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next up is yuel and kou!! yes that is official art of kou, yes he is actually for real in canon that much of a boywife bedwarmer. yuel is tenuously related to him and he considers her a big sister, but also frequently complains that her training and affection is "too hands-on"

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