

フォロー数:1510 フォロワー数:1634

Beautiful art. Gives back to Mother Nature. Eligible for a Free (Gas Only Karmz) and hold a Gutterz to be eligible for the next species drop you say?
✅✅ annnnnd ✅

1 7

Beautiful art. Gives back to Mother Nature. Eligible for a Free (Gas Only Karmz) and hold a Gutterz to be eligible for the next species drop you say?
✅✅ annnnnd ✅

1 9

them some bad boyz right there!!
This is my lineup so far for the Need a couple more and definitely one KEMP..

2 7

It's the Queens turn. Your boy has been cookin' some shit up. Nobody is on this wave yet.

Need some opinions.

on the inside or outside of the Face Cards?

3 12

My team is shaping up nicely. I just need a PF or another SG and my team is complete on this fine

4 14


0 2