

Lanna, latina, artist. @itsapplepai is my partner (she drew my icon!) #knvoart

フォロー数:512 フォロワー数:330

ye-jun and akari!!!

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so keiko's charanari isn't actually done but i felt like that was the most fitting way to have her given my history with her charanari :^) APP ASSETS!

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another headshot of one of 's girls!! this is her xiv character our kids are getting virtual married thanks

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chisaki!!! 's oc i love her i love her I LOVE Her

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2012 vs 2018, i wouldnt neccesarily say its a glo up or anything but i'm proud of myself for no longer having the edgy tastes of a hot topic loving teenager, and that's a win for me

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also slides u one more doodle under the table im sorry i love dragons Im

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hello my name is hat and i dont draw fanart too much but when i do its of rarepairs,,
(himepoko from netjuu/recovery of an mmo junkie!!)

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finally posting that commission piece i did before here on twitter!
if you would like to learn more about the character see the link below

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEST BOY LELOUCH LAMPEROUGE will i ever draw art of you without cheating, the answer is no

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