

'98 ≣ Splatoon @ ★じらい door☆ Wiperワイパー/Mint Decavitatorデンタルワイパーミント ≣ J-Fashion & White Dr. Martens Fan ≣ COOL OUTFITS好きです

フォロー数:817 フォロワー数:18025

"Your tweets look like you're just begging for attention" That is precisely what I am doing. And it works. I am a fiend for the attention of people I do not know. I was not raised properly. anyway if you look like this ple

3 70

i am haunted by horses online

0 86

walked out of my room and was immediately met with several "MUY ALTO GRINGO" or something

0 40

back to normal kohaku my halloween ended

3 176

got good sleep after not sleeping for 35 hours being fueled by alcohol and caffeine now my head just feels empty

0 20