

'98 ≣ Splatoon @ ★じらい door☆ Wiperワイパー/Mint Decavitatorデンタルワイパーミント ≣ J-Fashion & White Dr. Martens Fan ≣ COOL OUTFITS好きです

フォロー数:817 フォロワー数:18066

I have painfully awoken once again with a splitting headache

3 69

can you rank all the tsukihime h-scenes? — I can't bring myself to rank fucking hscenes but I will say this is kinda kino

0 65

Goodnight Kohaku

2 48

imagine the world if i was not lazy

13 74

Never underestimate the Tsukihimers

0 10

that ain't me, this is me

4 30