

'98 ≣ Splatoon @ ★じらい door☆ Mint Decavitator ≣ J-Fashion & White Dr. Martens Fan ≣ 日本語勉強中(中級)

フォロー数:817 フォロワー数:18159

Just gonna put some facts on the timeline.........

32 138

oh yeah its my now after intense internal debating

once stone ocean gets an anime it might move down to tho lol

0 5

Melty Factoid of The Day: The stage "Classic" is actually a reference to grass. In real life there is this oddity called "grass" which is very commonly used in "yards" or "fields"

61 154

its literally right there

0 1

Woke up in the middle of sleep so much that I lost count

3 10