

🤍🎏 fancy/fish 🎏 he/him, 24 🎏 hobbyist painter, grad student 🎏 originals + fanart 🎏 occasionally 🔞 🎏 no AI in my work

フォロー数:245 フォロワー数:1533

(ffxiv patch 6.3 spoilers)
zero and jullus… how unexpectedly cute 🥹

61 101

i didn’t get summer kiara, but hopefully this works as a catalyst for next year.

13 38

one icon done, this was fun to work on! for .
i have 2 slots left open for these, btw!

6 10

everyone say hi to winnie! 🌸🌈
ffxiv pinup commission for of her wol! 💖

28 55

and yet, our hope remains... |

19 35

any chance to show off a wip i’ll (probably) never finish 😙

0 7

[cw: blood]
my dnd character lost his eye in tonight’s session. oh well!!!

4 16