whit 🌸🌺 ににさんのプロフィール画像

whit 🌸🌺 ににさんのイラストまとめ

【 20↑ • she/her • 🇨🇦🇺🇸🏳️‍🌈 • tennis テニプリ • kurahika ♡ kirizai ♡ kuraken • 光蔵、財赤、蔵謙 • rp, stories, art, translation • イラスト、小説、翻訳 • ENGも日本語 OK!! 】

フォロー数:186 フォロワー数:212
# teni21

when i woke up sunday morning (the session was on saturday), i had this beautiful painting waiting for me from capturing a moment of starlight and zuzu (the gnome cleric of the party who performed the resurrection and who's also starlight's lover)

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【ひかくら | kurahika】i realized i never posted my finished piece for 2! please enjoy my idol boys 💖 


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so, drew me one of my d&d characters, a drow called starlight, and just. i love him so much 🥺💖

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zaizen/kenya/shiraishi? 🥺💖

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here is my piece for the ! it was a ton of fun imagining shiraishi and zaizen dressing up as flick and cj from animal crossing 💖 テニプリのファンアンソロジーに参加しました!あつ森のひかくらを描きました!🥰

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