

Here sometimes

フォロー数:110 フォロワー数:159

fe engage making me want to get another switch

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Finally after months of waiting, my discord server avatar has been finally (colorized). Well, minus the hat so not really, but close enough. Still waiting for the one with the hat, if that's ever animated😐
(Spy x Fam)

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yoo its Rymn my old pc mascot

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new year new emotes 👍
Teio Lets go, Eula Surprised, and Tchan High

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friends when they get the character they want vs me

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I dont watch Luna but a good luna face is a good luna emote

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Me: Bro ping me if a vtuber plays rimworld, that's the only time ill watch them live

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I'm slowly loving Sara's design; it feels simple yet intricate. Pleasant to the eyes and it doesn't scream "OH LOOK IM A PLAYABLE CHARACTER" that much

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