

20+ | "A woman can dream though, right?" | A drip-drip-drip of delusions about UNDERTALE/DELTARUNE | main @komm64
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I looked at the official art book and found a breast I had overlooked.
...I am very serious. Really😅

Undyne also seemed to have breasts at first, but after a series of revisions, I think the final expression of the breasts is much more restrained.

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The only description I know of that seems to have breasts is this one on a Line sticker.

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I would say I have won hands down for now. Haha😅

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The more I look at this, the more I wonder: the monsters in DR's light world do not have blood, so I can assume that the main component of their bodies is not water. On the other hand, what about this monster? It looks exactly like a monster made of water. It is strange.

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