

Konk/Jess | 30/girl/Feline Friend | Art Twitt: @konekoarts | Vent/AD Twitt: @konekomopes

フォロー数:58 フォロワー数:103

I Am Mentally Unwell

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Exclusive picture of me being forced to write a single professional adult email on my day off

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Me: [spends hours meticulously rendering jelly pets and making sure the distribution of spots on the speckled pets is interesting]
TNT: Yeah fuck it, just draw one star and paste it all over the starry pets. It doesn't even need to be a good star. Who cares.

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Me drawing assets for Virtupets: should I retrace the jawline here to make it less square? I think one of these pics was upscaled from a slightly different resolution, should I redo it?
TNT making those same assets in 2001: does the Zafara have spikes on its tail? Lol who cares

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Genuinely cannot stop thinking about how cool all the Maraquan Aisha NPCs look vs what you get when you paint one of your own pets

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This will be finished when I feel like spending five hours rendering backgrounds again

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People being shocked and scandalized that the loli-fakeout dragon girls may be dateable in DLC are a ride when these are two of the marriage candidates in the base game

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I appreciate that GulusGammamon is like. A distressingly intelligent dark evolution as opposed to the feral animal variety we usually get, but he still has Gammamon's dumb little ":3" mouth so I can't take him seriously. Peak character design. 13yo me would have loved this bitch.

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