

21↑ • fanartist • mostly about bts, anime & game • do not repost/use my art without credit/permissions

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Mom handed me a chocolate bar.
"Hobii, close your eyes tight and don't open them until you count to ten"

23 July Year 10

5848 15693


1064 2650

Kookoo soooooooo happy~~~~ 💜💜🙌😭😭


2696 7040

So this is how yeonjun take kookoo hyung heart!! ㅋㅋㅋ
Now kookoo is officially becomes hyung~~

-Bangtan&Armys : Yeonjun you can call him hyung but your hyung is actually still the little one for us~~ !!ㅎㅎㅎ -eye-

4009 8785

Kookoo's diary :

First time I saw rapmon hyung, He's so cool!
He is the reason why I'm here and can meet armys!
I admire you so much hyung💜

-My inspiration
kim namjoon-

4140 8664

What kookoo wants, kookoo gets!

Happy !! 😂💕
Meowngi x KooKoo 🐱🐰

3500 7475

-Laundry boy kookoo-
Good boy~😭🐰👍💕

3108 7440

This duo daegu boys make me cry-
My taegi heart can't-


2504 5520

So this is why min meowngi put the mirror inside his jacket..


2992 6359

From chimchim to Park Jiminn🐣🐥


3391 7048