


フォロー数:225 フォロワー数:318

Never skip hip day.

Hip day is a thing, right? … Right?

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A few more quicker figure doodles, this time with rounder mannekins! I’m starting to feel a little more confident w…

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I started off planning on just doing the mask, but I thought it’d make a neat tech priest.

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This started off as just the mask, but I thought it’d make a neat techpriest. So here’s a tech priest in a plague d…

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Stellaris has consumed my life with glorious space genocide. Fiddled with a new brush, a bit of a failed experiment…

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A howling banshee versus a sister of battle!

Spent a little longer than I usually do on this one. I’m happy with i…

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Doodle of a knight and a young lady! It didn’t come out as well as I hoped it would considering I spent like an hou…

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I hit 400 followers, thanks guys!

Have a sloth masterpost.

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Spider wizard doodle for /tg/.

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