

we're the kids that your parents warned you about! / $toona 🐟

フォロー数:1135 フォロワー数:2041

been messing around with pixels to create something special for the upcoming first-of-its-kind RATs auction. this is my second ever attempt at pixel art (the first one being yesterday) and i think im pretty excited about the direction this is taking me.

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yo kool kids, let's play a game. ill comment a kool kid NFT + a made-up story using its description. you guys follow up with yours and retweet ♻️.

we got 4 NFTs to give away to four lucky winners. you have 48 hours. we will begin with ours below 👇


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😎 been a while since we did a 🎁giveaway.
giving away a or at 150 RTs 👉

👉retweet & comment your fav
🤠tag a friend


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🚨drop your $ftm wallet address below & ♻️RT🚨

🎁giving away 5 WL spots from an exclusive mint to kool kids/outlandish kids holders🎁

the koolest on fantom will be a collection of 100 kool mfers made for the kool kids on fantom

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📢 outlandish kids x Crypto Heck Tower 📢

To enter:
1️⃣ Follow


2️⃣ Like ❤ and RT 🔄

RT Tweet to win an awesome blockchain NFT. RT the Tweet linked in the replies to win a free
72 hr

🎉 GL🎉

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🚨hello $ftm
watch showing you how a kool kid is made 👉 https://t.co/zPwYABkvFE

🎁we are giving away this kool kid in 48 hrs👇

👉like and retweet ♻️
👉mint https://t.co/GBuvYsbNmJ

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we will be giving away these special kids from our OG collection kool kids when we mint outlandish kids out

👉own outlandish kids NFT- https://t.co/yD0v8LFfJS
👉retweet & like
👉comment your fav character (right/left)

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(1/2) 🚨 the winner of this weeks kool kid moves (https://t.co/Uq4XJbnJM6) is the owner of dander slosh.
we are curious who the owner is so please help us by retweeting 👀.


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hello, $ftm fam. we are giving away a really cool sharky 🦈. you know what to do-

📍follow &
📍tag 3 friends

btw the guy is half blind likes the smell of blood can conduct electricity 😉 IYKYK

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