Wil Overtonさんのプロフィール画像

Wil Overtonさんのイラストまとめ

Sometimes draws silly pictures. Helped make games mags like Super Play & N64 and likes all the stuff he should have grown out of by now. Currently at Rare Ltd.

フォロー数:5289 フォロワー数:6383

Tried to think of a pic to post for and then thought I can kill two Goombas with one stone and also do that thing, too.

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Probably this for me although I think it needs a few more colours.

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Ian's not on here anymore but I did this for his excellent little zine a few years back.

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I'm not quite sure what really means and I consider myself pretty lucky with the opportunities I've had but I'm certainly not up there with the big names so let's have at it. Silly pictures. Some could well be video game related.

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Going back a bit this morning. These were amongst the earliest things I played on a In fact, I think Bugaboo was the first thing. Not the greatest of games but fondly remembered.

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Damn that for tagging me in an 'art train' but what the hell - Choo-choo! I like drawing the silly video game pictures but I've done other stuff, too like kid's books and unicorn Uno cards. I'll tag the art royalty that is , and

3 20

That's very kind. Please have some Ninty characters on a rollercoaster :)

5 32

Warning! Incoming pimpage.
Sue and I have been through all the prices at and slashed 'em right across the store. So, just in case your desk or toy shelves (you have a toy shelf, right?) are feeling neglected... well, just saying.
*pimpage ends*

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How much can I muck about with it?

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