


フォロー数:401 フォロワー数:173

Joining ‘s congrats on the milestone 💕💕💕💕

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Episode 2 is up and you can see that I struggled at the end but I still made it

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He couldn’t But he could
sleep. Goodnight.

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- tucks himself in bed at 9 pm
- does chores with music, but ends up dancing and gets nothing done
- doesn’t iron his clothes at all
- horrible sown holes in his socks and shorts
- will buy snacks and milk for neighborhood kitties and puppies

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- will wake up early to make healthy juice
- great at cooking when there’s barely anything in the fridge
- bad habit of using countless towels
- well acquainted with his neighbors, specially the elders
- wears an apron when he cooks!!

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- picks up flowers he sees and places them by the window
- “it was on sale so I got it” “we have plenty of that”
- diligently scrubs the floor with a toothbrush when asked
- can make simple and quick dishes
- always makes his bed when he wakes up

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- house is filled with lots of stuff (who even owns them at this point?)
- is good at making one dish and one dish only
- chores only on weekends
- doesn’t make the bed because you’re gonna sleep in it again anyways
- basically cannot live alone

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And also Iwaizumi

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Here’s a little preview!
There are still things to finish before I actually publish it but I’m impatient af

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