🌈RAIL the empty one✨さんのプロフィール画像

🌈RAIL the empty one✨さんのイラストまとめ

Rail😇/ 阿軌

IG: instagram.com/kikumalu0130/
Choten: twitter.com/chota46996665

フォロー数:138 フォロワー数:3859

1993 OVA太好看了吧

49 382

My family always tells me.
When you feel uneasy, you should recite 南無阿彌陀佛...
Observing from his life, I think Kira is a Buddhist😇 (NO)

24 121

🧁💕🧁🌟🧁🥲Okuyasu 's Psychic Emergency Nurse...Josuke!

73 305

I heard that today is Caesar's birthday~!
I like mint chocolate ice cream🍦

39 214

"It's fun to stay at the......Y~~M.C.A!"🎶
"It's fun to stay at the......Y~~M.C.A..."🎶
I want to see them singing and dancing😋
Top songs of the 70s😄

38 238