

trickstar+anzu translation bot 🤖 barely around & translates only whenever it feels like. thanks for all support! 🙌 curiouscat.me/kotofucius 📩

フォロー数:5 フォロワー数:340

Touri & Hokuto
[1] Tr: Hehe, so the time has finally come that you asked for Touri-sama’s help ♪
Hk: You always sound condescending, Himemiya...

[2] Hk: It’s unusual for you to be calling for me, Himemiya.
Tr: I call when I need to, so you’re here because I need something.

12 14

Touri & Makoto
[1] Tr: Geez, Yuuki-senpai. You’ve got a nerve to be summoning me.
Mk: Ahaha. Sorry, Himemiya-kun. But I’m happy you came.

[2] Mk: Umm, were you the one who called me, Himemiya-kun?
Tr: You should be honored someone as noble as me asked for you, Yuuki-senpai.

19 24

Scout story “Onibi” is translated! When Subaru, Mao, Kouga, and Adonis accompany Anzu to retrieve something she forgot at school, they recall rumors of the school’s seven mysteries. Read to see what the new writer is like, if you have time 🐶🐵🐶🐻🐱


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