

any beniheads? Commissions: 15/15 #kobenisweep

フォロー数:657 フォロワー数:129038

I liked Rohan more when he looked like the sickly weirdo freak he was in Part 4, look at this dude

26 1126

I don't know if anyone would even wanna draw of of her yet but.

52 1114

My OC Yennefer
... I swear the Kobeni similarities were unintentional, she is alot older than my Kobeni obsession.

94 1612

I love these girlies alot I think https://t.co/dlxdexCS9m

15 704

I am like a whole into making these and I'm still on most of the starting area mons...

6 217

How much would you guys pay for comms in this style?

194 3599

this shit is getting way too crowded already lmao

36 921

Posting the Pikachus later tonight but here's a freebie for now

51 1006

Actually peak Pikachu design I think, Adventures is so good

22 789