

Illustrator & Fandom Artist. She/Her. 39. Art tagged #KrisCynical_art

フォロー数:208 フォロワー数:335

"Morning Routine" Just and getting ready in the morning a few years in the future (thus Yuuri's longer hair).

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"Off Duty Hero" I didn’t originally intend for these sketches to be grouped together but it works. I wanted to play with Link’s hair. And scars. Yeah… um… that’s about it. Tumblr: https://t.co/L3izXb4ZmY

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"Japan's Ace Babysitter (WIP)" A months-old piece of being dolled up by the triplets, set ~3 years in the future. It got a positive response on tumblr so I'm going to finish it real quick before my next Zelda pic.

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"'Yes.' WIP 6" I've decided to post more WIPs here to give people on tumblr and dA a reason to follow me here on twitter. Progress is slow due to professional deadlines, but it's better than nothing.

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"Fighting the Darkness" An old piece from 2008 from the final battle with manga ch534. A youki-possessed Inuyasha tries to shove away from him to safety. Detail shots on tumblr: https://t.co/qja2DgmW6N

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"The Life to My Soul (WIP)" The aforementioned thumbnail from last night. The concept was floating around in my head for a week before I finally had to appease myself and jot it down. Tumblr: https://t.co/A62CjvSzqt

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"'Yes.' WIP 3" Rough color/lighting study... next step is Illustrator for the line work. Again the final piece will be full body, but this is all I'm showing for now! Tumblr: https://t.co/ZIkYs6Dh1G

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"Hateno Rooftop (WIP)" Thumbnail/lighting study. on the roof of Link's house in Hateno. Tumblr post: https://t.co/nHCAVO4IqI

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"Hateno Morning" having a quiet morning at Link’s house in Hateno Village; fell back asleep while playing with the Sheikah Slate. Tumblr Post: https://t.co/d1uD2H014d

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