

Lusat | 30 | Bi Non-Binary | She/Her They/Them | 🇵🇭 | Hobby Artist |
Ko-fi ko-fi.com/A146GEO | Commission Info vgen.co/Kshatriya

フォロー数:502 フォロワー数:254

TW: Blood, Flashing Colors

💖 She looks just like a dream.💖

5 5

I'm a freelance/hobby artist! Iam currently in nursing school. I loke old anime, historical fashion, and lingerie! I mostly do character art and pinups!

8 20

Hi, I'm Kshatriya and I am a hobby artist! I like old anime and citypop!

5 11

Hi, I'm Kshatriya and I'm open for commissions!

1 14