

I'm 喬/臻/kCyun from Hong Kong,中文、English、日本語(勉強)OK!

for other design/practices, visit my IG @all_expt or kyc_200

世界一初恋 高野×小野寺*
囀る鳥は羽ばたかない 百目鬼x矢代*

フォロー数:84 フォロワー数:45


"Because of climate change in recent years the blooming is earlier"
"But on this day they always seem to be lovelier"

4 12

Would no one believe this is Takano and Onodera😁
Everyone after the propose chapter released draws suits(西裝), but I would like to see them wearing kimono(羽織袴)!

4 13


5 24