

#KYO: nothing to be afraid of now, huh? || multi-fandom || 🌸🥗🍙 || NOT SPOILER FREE

フォロー数:1190 フォロワー数:1027

"since when... did my name only have a special ring to it... when you say it? and if it made you smile, i'd do something over and over for you. when did i start thinking such idiotic things... like that? since when did i...."

23 45

"don't laugh at me!!!"

6 35

"idiot. if you're going to actually swim in the ocean, learn how to breathe while you swim."
"were you watching? i can swim, right?!"
"you looked like you were swimming for your life."

2 24

"don't, kyo-kun..."
"don't what?"
"when i'm deliberately ignoring things, i need you to pretend not to notice or i'll go all weak."

2 20

"if i grow up, will i be able to overcome the fear?"

2 23

"kyo made that for you???"

2 25

but here's him overcoming his fears and anxiety!!! aaaa kyo you're sooo loveeed 😩❤️

4 40

kyo rejecting the people he loves because he doesn't want them to be looked down by other people just because of him may be the saddest thing i've ever seen

75 260

"she didn't... have to love... everything about me. if she was afraid of me, that would have been okay. that would meant that she really saw who i am. i wanted her to face the truth and deal with it. i wanted her to want to live with me."

2 26

"have meals with you, study with you, and deal with problems together. like so... i want to be able to... to do all those things with you!"

6 28