

Emi︱♀️︱AB︱OC x Canon︱Gamer. Writer. Doodler.︱Multi︱😈 100% M. Bison / ベガ (Dictator) 💗︱ベガ様大好きです!︱#psychoflower shipping 🪷︱pfp by @shadanouk

フォロー数:248 フォロワー数:114

Random literal scribbles put together. Still not too confident, but I am steadily improving.
Bison’s the character who got me back into drawing~ (haven’t drawn for some yrs) so he’s a little special. Obviously. 😂

8 21

lmao don’t ask, you know what this meme is.
How the four(3) kings + Sagat would carry the new blood(my oc Mirai). 😂
I did this by memory, some things are off! I might revise some of this later, make it look a little better.

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I see, I see~ 😌

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I said it once I’ll say it again, can they bring back animated cutscenes? 🥺 or make a movie/ova? Something!

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Kinda messed with colors too. My favorite color + Mirai colors. 😘 Will edit the cape version another time, and cleaner line art.

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Simmy: “We’re waiting on your ass!”
Me: spends majority of the day chilling, sleeping, and doodling. lol Oops. (yes, a tease 😌)

8 22

Post pics of 2 of your comfort character, and tag 5 peoples.

There could only be ONE! lol Obvious one is obvious~
My second? If I have to, I choose the “himbo”. XD What they have in common? They’re kings!

@/ anyone else https://t.co/tJ5kwtbHeU

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Damn right a double post! This one was during cpt, the surprise Bison play motivated a quick one.

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I wished I’d stop getting mixed signals, be out with it! lol I shouldn’t have to remind anyone of anything either. I’m not here to hold your hand. 💀

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