

フォロー数:9 フォロワー数:23

The development of a novel ferric phytate compound for iron fortification of bouillons (part I) https://t.co/j5G1YOL9Jm

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Spatio-temporal dynamics of Plasmodium falciparum transmission within a spatial unit on the Colombian Pacific Coast https://t.co/7sOdrBgKNi

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High HIV-1 diversity in immigrants resident in Italy (2008–2017) https://t.co/NEN53XmrT4

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Improving cancer immunotherapy using nanomedicines: progress, opportunities and challenges https://t.co/G4VjZzkHd5

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Epidemiological study on dengue in southern Brazil under the perspective of climate and poverty https://t.co/HlhIdKsHEK

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The global epidemiology of hypertension https://t.co/waS9q5xCzx

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Two New Fucose-α (1–2)-Glycans Assigned In The Healthy Human Brain Taking The Number To Seven https://t.co/eG8z3ZKP8O

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Sporadic implementation of UK familial mammographic surveillance guidelines 15 years after original publication https://t.co/DHhubr2hHZ

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Hydrothermal Synthesize of HF-Free MIL-100(Fe) for Isoniazid-Drug Delivery https://t.co/2hMsW9gZbc

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Immune checkpoint inhibitors for the treatment of MSI-H/MMR-D colorectal cancer and a perspective on resistance mechanisms https://t.co/XKDg7BgXll

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