

Illustrator. お仕事の依頼募集しています。
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Marie is the cutest in all dimensions again today...Once this is coloured, Marie will be even prettier!

57 513

I was surprised at how cute it was. I knew she was the best...

21 311

I often look like this when I'm watching Marie in action.

11 128

The sight of her cleaning purifies even the dirtiest parts of my heart...

30 345

What a beautiful, extravagant, lovely, wonderfully elegant and graceful motion to see Marie's face from the front, sides and back in one motion... Amazingly, this is still rough, so this will be even prettier in the future.

35 276

The illustration of Valentine and Parasoul playing against each other in the game has not been corrected in the areas that need to be corrected the most. The frills on the head...

39 548

Since today's Daily Marie footage seems to be off, I'm sending you a rerun of a marie I have painted in the past. 

143 800