

closed account 🫡 NEW TWT : @xNostalgiac

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here is my lovely gorl Feng 🥺

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another movie finished ♡
so glad I can rewatch these with 🥺 cant wait to watch many more movies with you baby 🥰🌸

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some people have nothing better to do. I'm not the type of person that blindly follows rumors like that anyways. I make judgements all on my own based on my experiences with the person. And I think you're really amazing, fuck the haters ♡

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☆ 2021 Goals ☆

-engange with community more
-become more social/ collab with more friends (:
-move to pc and get better camera
-unlock more emote slots !!

-reach weight goal/ body goal
-more self love and self care
-new phone ,,, pls
-fix up my room


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