A drawing that I was working on today, this one ca,w out pretty well, but I think that I could do a bit better so I may try redrawing it. Let me know what you think
A drawing that I was working on today and it came out pretty well, though it could use a bit more work in a couple of places but let me know what you think
A drawing that I was working on today and I think that it came out quite well though the background is kind of meh so I also included the image with out the background. Let me know what you think
What I was working on today, eh it’s pretty alright, I feel like I could do a bit better though. But overall I think that it came out pretty okay. Let me know what you think
A drawing that I finished working on today and I really like how this one turned out. The hat was an after thought and it looks pretty alright. But let me know what you think