

海外アニメ、海外の配信者様が大好きです(英語は苦手)mlpは二次創作も目を通していますFriendship is which craftシリーズはいい曲が多いです。マイクラ絵つくる。 @vanillaabignon1 @nonetaiyou

フォロー数:3014 フォロワー数:1191

the first art was made by
deliver this to my best friend!
and this friendship reaches all ponies.
we have the best friendship.

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I'll give this to my best friend!
we are the best friends of eternity!
bring this wonderful friendship to many!!
and i hope sonat loveing ponies will love this!!

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The time i challenged the character of eqg for the first time.
dhdeliver this to every pony who loves midnight sparkle.
If you like , i would appreciate it if you could retweet or like it!

10 25

DJ pon3を何と呼ぶかで結局俺は最終的にDJponさんて呼んでる3をスリーじゃなくて日本圏のさんで読むって言うスタイルを編み出しました。ヴァイナルスクラッチでもいいのですがやっぱりponさんと呼ぶ方が私的には可愛いのでponさんと永遠に呼ぶよ!( ・∇・)

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I like luna this work very much.
so i made a pixel art of a dakimakura with this version.
I really hope this looking Luna will be a dakimakura.

6 21

this time I referred to the image of this dakimakula.
deliver it to everypony who loves Luna!
we are considering whether the special version will be open to followers only.
If it's popular, I'll show it to.

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