Kyuhu 🐑さんのプロフィール画像

Kyuhu 🐑さんのイラストまとめ

she/they / 28 / just a (sad) clown / king of typos 💫
I draw FE and MXTX stuff but also never left my hws phase so feel free to hit the bricks v.v

フォロー数:207 フォロワー数:4557

I can dream, right? 💫

255 1325

love your suit bro

8 30

all of them together because it looks funny idk

10 61

they picked their best suits

56 269

almost forgot to post these two! hws t.aiwan and p.hilippines (even if I sadly didn't really manage to make him look recognizable?? Idk why but I just couldn't fix it OTL)

30 161

I know I posted Mat already but hey I drew the face family or whatever they're called ☺

72 344

sometimes you got to take what you can get and play pretend

Just FraPol on one of their cliché romance novel like dates trying to trick everyone and especially themselfes into thinking they have a sweet and romantic relationship like everybody around them.

18 130