

kyun / doing whatever, whenever. mostly lurking now

フォロー数:190 フォロワー数:3789

(´∀`) Possibly new charms??!!!

47 107

Dashing through the snow~ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ!

35 70

黒火日おめでとう!// HAPPY KUROKAGA DAY!! (♡˙︶˙♡)

33 72

ヽ( °︶°)ノ!!!!!!!

52 76

Never too early for Christmas!!! ^q^// I'm so excited for the event at J-world! *_*!!

58 86

Second IF verse! ^q^ Business!Aomine and Chef! Kagami!!

14 39

my sister: "you know you should draw that...chicken glob with legs thing---you know."

me: ( ´_ゝ`)?? ? ? ?

3 8

The secret behind Himuro's perfect hair pt 2 (kind of)

42 35

....no one stopped me

213 292