KZMRN ナルトさん 🍥 🍅[ ♀ ]さんのプロフィール画像

KZMRN ナルトさん 🍥 🍅[ ♀ ]さんのイラストまとめ

⚠︎ 16+丨ナルサス丨サスケ ♀ @narusasufamily ✨ ♦ My name is Kzmrn丨English丨SAI丨id = 5539822丨🍥 🍅丨🍥 🍅 ⟦ ♀ ⟧ 丨Part-time artist full-time useless person.丨Waifu → @cubur_NS

フォロー数:144 フォロワー数:8349

Alsooo thank you for introducing me to them this year. 🙏😍💕💕💕

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Thank you guys for supporting with me this year, I promise I will be dying on this fandom. 🧡💙
Happy New Year! ✨🥰

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fanart from last year . I was wondering more about him and wanted to see him in the anime. I think the time is coming now. 🖤

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🍅in different universes !💢😉👩🏻

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Another alternative universe!🦊+🧛🏻‍♂️

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✨✨ Happy Birthday my sunshine boy 🍥🎂!! ✨✨ 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊

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I had written a story for my latest designs, and a few people asked me if Naruto was dead. No he didn't die. I wanted to draw them for you guys on the morning after the fight. Don't worry, he will recover soon..

🍥: . . .
🍅 : BAKA!


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