

Trader / Collector / Degen

フォロー数:5115 フォロワー数:7734

Want to sell / Want to trade down

20 ETH each or 38 for both 😊

*selling on behalf of someone else

6 47

Looks like sediment and tier matters
Just picked up this sick Environment 3, Tier 3 Biogenic swamp with 3 resources!

"Fragments, which can be fed to Mara, are derived from an Otherdeed's sediment. Genesis Kodas and Farmer Mara can be attached to Otherdeeds to harvest them.
A… https://t.co/lvk0j4lmTH

8 88

Is this the most legendary entrance to NFTs ever?

40 days ago this wallet loaded up 5.6 Ξ from and bought 2 sewer passes for 5.56 Ξ

36 days later they sell 1 sewer pass for 4.5 Ξ and spend 2.3 Ξ of it on a Black Box

3 hours ago they minted a new 1/1 Renga

27 323

Got my grail M1 back yesterday,
Thanks for the help , ,

Want to sell / Want to trade
18 ETH

M1 Spacesuit, Merch hat, Eyes open, Grin
As clean as they get

DM for trade enquiries, I'm very flexible with different assets I can take!

13 122

All 72 Mutants I owned and flipped while working up to my Ape. 😊
What a journey!

53 917

First Ape!
Finally reached my goal of owning a Bored Ape.

Double bored black merch 🤌🏽🔥


NFT by BoredApeYachtClub

30 566

Grail M2 diamond + merch shirt for sale / trade!

Want to sell or want to trade + eth for an Ape 😊
Can add up to 54 ETH

4 49

WTS / WTT :)

M2 Double sailor ice captain

M2 Hypno eyes + Spinner hat

M1 Spinner hat

Naked cyborg Doggo

1 16

Happy first MUTANT MONDAY of ‘23 from New Zealand.
Looks like I’m going into ‘23 without finding a new home for this guy yet!

X Diamond
X Gold
X Merch
X Matching colour T-shirt
X Black holes T + Zombie INSANE synergy
X Great colour background to tie it together
X Top 2% Rarity

4 44

Ultra grail acquired ✅

IMO this is a top 10 Mutant
A perfect Mutant.

X Diamond
X Gold
X Merch
X Matching colour T-shirt
X Black holes T + Zombie INSANE synergy
X Great colour background to tie it together
X Top 2% Rarity

25 403