

"Manga Style" sketch artist with eclectic taste all over the place.

フォロー数:95 フォロワー数:13

It's all still in the works: EveryBody Limbo magical warrior personifications trying to make sense of their new existence.

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Mostly for another prodject, my Voltron/Sailor Moon Fusion deal. (Paintings from 2019)

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I guess I have a thing for combinations of sweet, courageous, resourceful, "naturally mysterious".

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I'll admit I conceptualized Rosaphina (3rd to right) as a podcast/radio host.

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The fact that one of my villains (pictured Darius Black) has a dark and preditory dynamic towards one of my M.Cs (Shade). Even if I don't go J.R.R.M about it, I believe your head filling the blank will make it worse. https://t.co/aBJTJMJsgz

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