//=time() ?>
Everybody’s talking about #newnormal or ´the next day’
How does it look like?
@jblefevre60 @sebbourguignon @tewoz @Ym78200 @ipfconline1 @kalydeoo @VivekGhosal @AshokNellikar @ShiCooks @Fabriziobustama @FrRonconi @ValdezVera @enricomolinari @rwang0 @HaroldSinnott
#Brands are judged less by how they operate when things go right, than by how they handle situations when things go wrong
The @CocaCola example below!
v/@tomfishburne & @alvinfoo
@jblefevre60 @sebbourguignon @tewoz @Ym78200 @ipfconline1 @kalydeoo @VivekGhosal @AshokNellikar
Another great one from @marketoonist around the confusion of a catch-all term #TransfoNum 😂
@jblefevre60 @sebbourguignon @tewoz @Ym78200 @ipfconline1 @kalydeoo @VivekGhosal @AshokNellikar @ShiCooks @Fabriziobustama @HaroldSinnott
Il y a licorne et licorne... ce terme suscite tous les fantasmes!
@jblefevre60 @sebbourguignon @tewoz @Ym78200
@ipfconline1 @kalydeoo @VivekGhosal
@AshokNellikar @ShiCooks @Fabriziobustama
@HaroldSinnott @ValdezVera
« Why are we meeting? »
Or how to change the culture about #meetings
> @marketoonist
@jblefevre60 @sebbourguignon @tewoz @Ym78200 @ipfconline1 @kalydeoo @HaroldSinnott @VivekGhosal @AshokNellikar @ShiCooks @ValdezVera @enricomolinari @Fabriziobustama @rwang0 @mallys_ @chboursin