Lacan Circle Of Australiaさんのプロフィール画像

Lacan Circle Of Australiaさんのイラストまとめ

The official Twitter account of the Lacan Circle of Australia (est. 2003), an affiliate of the NLS (WAP). We support clinical Lacanian psychoanalytic formation.

フォロー数:130 フォロワー数:20615

“Mama... I get bored having fun all day”

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“Singularity concerns that which stands utterly on its own. It cannot be related to anything universal nor even particular. Singularities are elements of a set that do not belong to a set. They ex-ist in themselves: One-all-alone.”

Rik Loose, Beyond (Lack-of) Being

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“We are now dealing with Ones-all-alone, speaking subjects who wish to self-identify according to a certainty which they judge to be intimate. But to do so, they resort to categories of the modern master’s discourse.”

Marie-Hélène Brousse, The Feminine: A Mode of Jouissance

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“What would my unconscious know?!”

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“Shall I buy you a gift of a doll that can cry?”

“No, one that can fight for its rights”

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“It is safe to assume that the tendency to project will be intensified when it promises to bring with it the advantage of mental relief. Such an advantage may be expected with certainty where a conflict has arisen between different impulses all of which

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Sigmund Freud and some grumpy women:

“Women are the dark continent of psychoanalysis.”

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Meanwhile in musical relations

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“No neurotic harbours thoughts of suicide which are not murderous impulses against others redirected upon himself.”

Sigmund Freud, Totem and Taboo

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