

just shit posting and ocassional sketches

フォロー数:93 フォロワー数:8 my process video for with his princess miracle! I don't usually draw females but this was pretty fun to do! Might join another soon!

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NEW VID w these 2 amazing ppl is up! past week w no new sk8 episode kinda sucked but u hope this is able to cheer yall up

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4 anyone wanting to start digital art, here r some free applications to try out! In depth explanations and review in the vid:

0 2 I'm so glad they can enjoy their friendship, seeing them happy makes me so happy😭. Speedpaint for this heartbreaking piece is up!

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R we rdy for episode 9😭😭pls bring reki happiness he deserves it sm. Petition to hurt ADAM below in the comments

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