BLUEBIRD LAKEさんのプロフィール画像


フォロー数:158 フォロワー数:159

Men, what's stopping you from dressing like this

1 7

this is the most nonbinary person ive seen in my entire life

1 5

im like 30 hours into Final Fantasy VII when does this guy show up 😭

0 5

kanye really laid the groundwork for furry rappers like me

1 5

im never catching covid again im getting every booster they come out with this is gonna be in 2022

0 7

me eating 24 benadryl to reach level 3

0 1

this is what covid did to me

1 3

this is the creature they milk to get eggnog

2 12

this cat keeps asking me for 20 dollars 🙄

0 4

i actually tested positive for corvid-19 i look like this now

0 5