@__chelbell Are we going to miss you terribly?
But are we thrilled, excited, wishing you all the best & looking forward to all the great opportunities that await you on the other side of the country?
*louder* YES!!! 😍😍😍
This is going to be SO GOOD & we couldn't be happier for you
@Auralowis Ixi -- because uppity reindeer with a mean scowl is definitely my brand lol
Two of my personal favorites...
(Lol and this is like...not even half of them all)
10/10 would watch a show starring this Cool AF chick
@chu_bacca https://t.co/6UPlO7CoMT
Can we please turn this Tuesday off & back on again?
Honestly, I'd settle for just turning myself off & back on again at this point.
Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy. Not a selfie. https://t.co/i5boZzDqbc
It's like having children
...except one of them is my father
Who is asking questions I already fucking explained twice to my mother