

“Fanaticism turns into a means of salvation,enthusiasm into epileptic ecstasy,politics becomes an opiate for the masses...& reason veils her face”-T Mann. #BLM

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Great to meet you Nutty Buddy.
That name reminds me of high school lunch!
Happy Wednesday. Ketchup!

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Yes… and if they want to just go ahead and live their own best lives in Hungary, or in Siberia… I invite them to go on with their bad selves. I don’t think it’s what they’re expecting. Then again, some of them do like being bent over the party line!

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And the comics. They keep me sane. I’m attaching the right comic (of hundreds saved) to some post every day. Plus I’m regularly on the pages of , , &

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That is complete BS!
Grant, if you happen to get
a follow up Question for Ron:

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