Lari Donさんのプロフィール画像

Lari Donさんのイラストまとめ

Children’s writer & storyteller, books inc mg adventure novels, pic books, retellings of myths. Passionate re stories, politics & feminism. she/her #longcovid

フォロー数:4862 フォロワー数:4612

Happy What unicorn stories will you be sharing today? I’ll be marvelling at 's wonderful illustrations in our picture book about how the became Scotland’s national animal:

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Yes! The one at the end of the book – I think ’s stone unicorn is fab! But in the real world, the unicorn in the heart of Inverness, because when I was wee my grandparents lived in Inverness, which made it feel like a magical place...

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A squirrel eating toast. In an increasingly strange world, still the strangest thing I’ve seen today.

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Getting ready for the first day of a long and busy Today: looking forward to visiting in to chat about the trilogy.

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Story fans in I’ll be at on Sun 6 Oct, as part of the , chatting about & Event at 1–2 pm, aimed at 8-12 yr olds. Please come along!

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Stirling has a new Children’s Book Festival: small print! I’ll be chatting about on Sat 9 Mar, 10am,

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Lost doll, looking for her family. Found on under Wardie Rd bridge. I propped her on a branch, so she can see her family coming to get her! Pls RT

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Looking forward to visiting today, where I'll be chatting to local pupils about magic, shapeshifters and adventures, as part of festival

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Adventure fans! I’ll be reading from the and chatting about in this Saturday 21st April at 2pm. Please come along!

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Shapeshifters in I’ll be chatting about the trilogy tomorrow at the wonderful new kids’ book festival Tickets here:

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