

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a hundred reasons to smile😄😄😄

フォロー数:119 フォロワー数:661

Sara Teasdale
Let It Be Forgotten
Let it be forgotten, as a flower is forgotten,
Forgotten as a fire that once was singing gold.
Let it be forgotten forever and ever,
Time is a kind friend, he will make us old.../Art Камилло Торреджани.1855 г

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Весенней ночью думай обо мне
и летней ночью думай обо мне,
осенней ночью думай обо мне
и зимней ночью думай обо мне...Е.Евтушенко/art-Чон Сон Ки (Jeon Sung Ki)

12 17

In youth we run into difficulties. In old age difficulties run into us. (Beverly Sills)
Art-Tomasz Alen Kopera

9 14

It's happiness - to cuddle to the dear palms with your cheek and insatiably breethe the sctnt of their warmth

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