

Indie 3D brawler based on french comic LASTMAN.
Available on Steam, PS4, Xbox One and Switch version is coming on November 22nd 2019 in both retail and digital

フォロー数:120 フォロワー数:1290

TOMORROW ! Who's ready?

LASTFIGHT will be out both in digital & retail (through ) on November 22nd!

Beautiful artworks by

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LASTFIGHT is up in all countries on Xbox One ! (All the bugs have been eradicated by our specialists)

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C'est un soucis avec Microsoft :/ Mais on a mis nos mes meilleurs gars sur le coup et le jeu devrait arriver très bientot

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Unfortunately we are having a problem with Microsoft, the game should be out in UK soon. We put our best guys on it

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We are waiting for MS to fix it. The Content Update with the new modes should arrive very soon. We put our best guys on it.

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We have a little problem with the Xbox release, but it should be up very very soon, we put our very best guys on it

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🚨 Breaking news : the city is burning since 's console release, don't go outside, stay home and do battle 🚨

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On a trouvé d'ou vient le soucis, on a mis nos meilleurs gars sur le coup. Normalement ça devrait arriver très bientot

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On voit d'ou ça vient, on va fixer au plus vite, ça devrait arriver super bientot. On a mis nos meilleurs gars sur le coup

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We saw that too, we are trying to fix it as soon as possible, we put our best guys on it

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