

slav twitch drone ✦ priv: @sashaka1ash ✦ ✦ MMORPG warlord and an appreciator of souls

フォロー数:1049 フォロワー数:7870

this fit goes hard

1 38

now that bard has been nerfed in arena, i want to bring back a very important public service announcement

7 179

Finally got that cutie purple glow on my weapon! 1432 now :) f2p Lost Ark gamer ofc. Thank you for an awesome stream 💕

1 191

Wanted to celebrate tomorrow's patch bringing us the Dawn Collection Armor Skins by sharing this artwork of my Sylvain wearing the Bard one! It's one of my favourite costumes in Lost Ark because it's so intricate and ornate ✨

Artist: 💕

8 150

Thank you for the amazing stream as always. It was my longest one to date, 20 minutes short of 9 hours, but on only 3 hours of sleep I just felt myself crashing hard. Thank you for hanging out with me, happy patch day. It's naptime for me ✨

2 143

this is what it looks like in game !

0 48