Helm, do some art mangさんのプロフィール画像

Helm, do some art mangさんのイラストまとめ

Aspiring mind goblin. Sketches, tasteful pin-ups & shitpost art.

Commissions are now a thing.

Pfp by: @kazoo_menace

Banner by: @goodly_draws

Go check em out

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My friend Kazoo recently decided to draw a goblin lady, so i drew her with a really old orc lady design i had laying around that i never got around to updating until now. Hope she doesnt mind me posting this here.

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Im actually kinda proud of this one, another discord friend, he was using a handsome jack pfp when i started doing the goblin drawings so we joked about a handsome goblin. I wanna say this is maybe my best work yet.

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I have been drawing my discord friends as goblins. Kazoo's idea. Idk if Kazoo has a twitter, sorry.

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I did a gift art for this week, of their character Dianne doing the iconic Dio pose. Alex also gifted me some art of my goblin and i love it.

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I dont really draw much Mexican culture stuff, this is a very old drawing i did for a concept of a comodo dragon lizard man with an astec aesthetic for a maybe future DnD campaign. The name was temporary & well i never finished him and i didnt really play DnD for long.

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Just adding some more reffs for people to see, these are older and a bit worse quality. God dammn it im ganna get called a furry again. I might need cash in the future and i wanna have as many opportunities as possible. I dont hate furries but i dont flow that way. 2/2

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A few of us liked the joke, i wanted to make a shirt design, so i made various versions. The community which consists of various gay people, black people and autistic people liked it. The font is based on the font of another co host, Asterik, now gone too (long doxx story) 2/3

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Well, this is wholesome until u read the shirts BUT, there is context and no malicious intent, i will explain in my next few tweets, for now this is a drawing i did of some of my discord friends a bit ago. Might as well release it myself before it ever gets thrown at me later.

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God damn it, im ganna get called a furry again.. anyway, the RogueInternetMan community decided to add their characters witnessing Asterik, a co host, getting crucified. Asterik also went MIA & never edited em together so i offered to do it. I miss them all.

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The last of the kermit fanarts + sketch i had a good laugh at, the irony of the quote in the drawing is not lost on me.

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